Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by Klaus »

Hello Owen,

I've checked the two maps. I've compared the map which is displayed in the English puzzle book (I assume this map is identical with the map of your vinyl board (sold in the USA); please, check this, Owen) with the map of the box edition, the so-called "standard" board.
Besides the differences which are described here I found the following additional differences:
- the sea line between space 735 and 715 (displayed on the vinyl board) don't exit on the standard board,
- there is a sea line between space 505 and 503 on the standard board, on the vinyl board not!
- on the standard board there are yellow marks on space 241 (towards the sea space 806) and on space 271 (towards the sea space 803) which indicate that catapult shots are bidirectionally possible at this point. On the map in the English puzzle book the yellow marks are absent here. Can you confirm, Owen, that the marks are also absent on your vinyl board?

Although we are playing on different boards it's necessary to define the "standard". So I suggest to ignore the sea line between 735 and 715 on the vinyl board. In this case it's obvious that you restart your (whole) turn.

I try to get a vinyl board made that is displaying the "standard" map. I would like to get such a vinyl board which might be interesting for other gamers, too.

Kind regards


PS: I used the Grand Conquest Tool to save an image file of the current position and attached it to my last posting.
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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by klepper1 »

hello klaus. yes, i dont have the 505-503 line but will pretend its there :D . i'll eliminate the 735-715 (does that mean the equivalent 835-815 must also be eliminated?). i do have the yellow catapult markers at 241 (pointing to 806) and 271 (pointing to 803). i'll redo my turn, all the ebst for now, owen.
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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by Klaus »

klepper1 wrote: i'll eliminate the 735-715 (does that mean the equivalent 835-815 must also be eliminated?).
the equivalent 835-815 exists on the "standard". That's the deeper logic! :-)

Kind regards

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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by klepper1 »

hello klaus. here goes:

Ess 116 - 402 => 6
s 402 - 282 =>2
s 282 π T => 10
Ds A20 -154 =>1
s 402 - 407 => 1

hope i'm allowed to build the siege engine after soldier movement! all the best for now, owen
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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by Klaus »

Hello Owen,
klepper1 wrote: hope i'm allowed to build the siege engine after soldier movement!
Yes, that's ok. Only the movement of the soldier or the siege engine after(!) the building isn't possible within this turn.

I notice: It's a general mobilisation on the left flank.
So I have to react...

B823 x B715 => 5
I'm waiting for your possible recapture.

Kind regards

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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by klepper1 »

hello klaus. yes, im going to have to recapture: B735 x B715 => 2

glad i was able to build the siege engine after movement, was unsure of that. not that it was a tactical stroke of genius, probably the opposite.looking forward to your next moves, im sure you have some devious plan :D
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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by Klaus »

Hello Owen,
klepper1 wrote: im sure you have some devious plan :D
Yes, you are right...

My turn 5, the beginning:
B823 x B715 => 5
(B735 x B715)

and now the continuation:
B822 - 861 => 1
Gk821 - 716 => 6
K Δ B715 => 1
Gk716 x Gn714 => 2
Gk714 - 737 => 2
Ds226 - B25 => 1
225R => 2
20 moves

Let's see who is more surprised. Maybe me next time... ;)

Kind regards


PS. I upload the current position (Grand Conquest Tool).
Grand Conquest Qwen - Klaus turn 5.jpg
Grand Conquest Qwen - Klaus turn 5.jpg (1.18 MiB) Viewed 25798 times
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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by klepper1 »

hello klaus. sorry for the very long delay, been hammered at work and not had time. well, it was desperate for me before, now its really bad, here goes:

s407-E402 = 1
es402-227 =6
s227-226 = 1
s226 π T = 10
ds154-405 =2

20 in total. hope no mistakes, done it in a rush. have to do christmas shopping!! cheers for now, owen.
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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by Klaus »

Hello Owen,

you try to grab my castle with a vengeance. I have to look up. The first countermeasure: I look into the rulebook and the rules mean well for me. No building on the enemy starting points possible!
You could build a siege engine on space 229 but not on space 226. So take a new run after your sweet shopping! ;)

Best wishes

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Re: Klepper1 (south) V's Klaus (North)

Post by klepper1 »

hello klaus. yes, another mistake from me, i forgot that rule!!!

ok, my elephant will be at 280, with soldier/siege engine at 229. i guess as i have fallen short of my objective i may as well use the 2 moves to move the ST 282 to 252. thats 20 moves in total.

christmas shopping not quite done, still plenty of time though :) all the best for now, owen.
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