Search found 399 matches
- 21 Jun 2022, 21:46
- Forum: Conquest Match for 2 Players
- Topic: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
- Replies: 10
- Views: 18294
Re: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
Hi Kerry, Please note that two soldiers already mounted the elephant on space 116 in turn 3. Here's my turn 4: B519 - 513 1P Ess116 - 157 4P N115 - 156 4P S112 - E111 1P S113 - Es111 1P Ess111 - 158 3P S158 - 159 1P E130 - 131 1P S132 - E131 1P Es131 - 132 1P S123 - Es132 1P Ess132 - G705 1P total: ...
- 07 Jun 2022, 21:01
- Forum: Conquest Match for 2 Players
- Topic: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
- Replies: 10
- Views: 18294
Re: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
I'm realizing that the 8-space reach of the galleon can be combined with the elephant and ten soldier move giving a far greater reach Indeed Kerry, it's the base for surprising attacks and dynamic changes. And a little mistake could result in severe loss. I'll recapture with the galleon, for otherw...
- 30 May 2022, 20:52
- Forum: Conquest Match for 2 Players
- Topic: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
- Replies: 10
- Views: 18294
Re: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
Hi Kerry,
yes, I recapture by the galleon. I put the captured pieces aside from the board, two boats on each side.
I spent 11 points so far and entered your galleon. You have to consider whether it's better to recapture or to refuse now.
yes, I recapture by the galleon. I put the captured pieces aside from the board, two boats on each side.
I spent 11 points so far and entered your galleon. You have to consider whether it's better to recapture or to refuse now.
- 25 May 2022, 15:06
- Forum: Conquest Match for 2 Players
- Topic: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
- Replies: 10
- Views: 18294
Re: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
Hi Kerry,
I recapture. B724 x B766.
I noticed this: It was possible to capture my galleon including elephant and 2 soldiers on 764.
B816 - 767 3P
B814 x B724 5P (recapture: B766 x B724)
B767 x Gess764 3P
Big mistake.
Kind regards
I recapture. B724 x B766.
I noticed this: It was possible to capture my galleon including elephant and 2 soldiers on 764.
B816 - 767 3P
B814 x B724 5P (recapture: B766 x B724)
B767 x Gess764 3P
Big mistake.
Kind regards
- 13 May 2022, 22:59
- Forum: Conquest Match for 2 Players
- Topic: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
- Replies: 10
- Views: 18294
Re: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
Hi Kerry, I have adjusted the acceptable formats and file size. So you can upload .psd files, too. We could exchange the file this way. Please, save the psd files including the layers. Otherwise I can't move the pieces further. Should we also exchange moves according to the board notation: e.g., S80...
- 08 May 2022, 12:50
- Forum: Conquest Match for 2 Players
- Topic: Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
- Replies: 10
- Views: 18294
Klaus (South) - Kerry (North)
Hi Kerry,
let's begin our match. You will notice the great potential of this game.
Kind regards
South turn 1
let's begin our match. You will notice the great potential of this game.

Kind regards
South turn 1
- 21 Sep 2021, 20:11
- Forum: Submit your rule innovations!
- Topic: Luck variant for finding playing partner
- Replies: 1
- Views: 9278
Re: Luck variant for finding playing partner
Hello rockinboogie, you have found a nice solution to a real problem. Normally someone who don't know Conquest (or other strategical games) but wants to give it a try will lose these tryouts. And then unfortunately many beginners will lose interest in this game and want to play other games. It's a g...
- 18 Apr 2021, 10:34
- Forum: Forum in deutscher Sprache
- Topic: Grand Conquest Edition noch erhältlich!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 11904
Re: Grand Conquest Edition noch erhältlich!
Hallo Makrosinus, schön, dass Du Interesse hast. Ich vertreibe die Spiele selbst nicht. Im deutschsprachigen Raum kannst Du Dich an Dietmar wenden, den Du über die oben genannte Email-Adresse erreichen kannst. Es gibt sicherlich noch Exemplare von Grand Conquest. Der Preis lag bisher bei € 45 plus V...
- 22 Feb 2021, 12:20
- Forum: Conquest Match for 2 Players
- Topic: Klaus (North) vs Ottia (South) 04
- Replies: 27
- Views: 40017
Re: Klaus (North) vs Ottia (South) 04
Hi Ottia, ok, two things I want to tell you: - you could replay some former matches you find on this website. I think that's a good way to recognize the application of the rules and important strategies. - I remember that you have downloaded the vassal software. Do me a favour and try to start the G...
- 21 Dec 2020, 23:13
- Forum: Request for online fellow players (Conquest)
- Topic: Request for online fellow players (Conquest, 2-player)
- Replies: 34
- Views: 50275
Re: Request for online fellow players (Conquest, 2-player)
Hi Tom, do you know about software crashes while playing a game? I didn't notice software crashes when I created the Grand Conquest module. The configuration of the module was interesting, but if you create a module for the first time it won't be so easy due to the immense number of different option...